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Are you searching for LPN schools in Baton Rouge? Delta College in Baton Rouge graduated more practical nursing students in Louisiana than any other school.
Delta College is an alternative to community college in Lafayette, LA, with practical nursing, medical assistant, dental assistant classes & other programs.
Delta College, nursing school in Baton Rouge, is proud to offer night classes. Nighttime nursing classes for those who who have obligations during the day.
Delta College runs one of the most well-respected licensed practical nursing programs in Baton Rouge. Our LPN school has graduated numerous future nurses.
Delta College runs a number of LPN schools in Louisiana, including in Slidell, Covington, Lafayette, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Delta College is considered to be one of the most well respected nursing schools in Baton Rouge. The school has graduated numerous students over the years.
We were so pleased to see a letter from the Flemings, proud parents of a Delta College Medical Assistant Program graduate, thanking us! Read more.
A graphic designer conveys ideas, thoughts, and messages through imagery they envision and create. Delta College provides a fantastic program.
The Slidell campus' academic year retention rate is 79%! This speaks to how effective the school has been recently. We're so proud of our students!
The Covington campus of Delta College has been able to secure a retention rate of 82% this academic year, a testament to how much students love this campus.
This is Slidell's July 2014 class of Medical Assistant extern students. Completing an externship gives students hands-on experience in the field.
An exciting career in nursing is waiting for you! You just need to enroll in Delta College's Practical Nurse (LPN) classes!
Meet Cherelle McClain. She is a graduate of the licensed practical nurse school at Delta College in Slidell, Louisiana. Congratulations Cherelle!
Congratulations to the Practical Nursing Graduates who recently finished their career training at Delta College's Covington campus.
We are excited to announce that Delta College's Slidell campus has posted a 100% pass rate for this semester, which is an incredible number.
The cut-off date for enrollment at Delta College is rapidly advancing. Do not wait until it is too late, enroll today!
The Covington Campus of Delta College announced the Walmart Gift Card Winners for the Month of April's Drawing. Congratulations to the winners!
If you are in Covington and want to enroll in our Dental Assistant, Medical Assistant, or Medical Office Assistant classes, you need to enroll soon!
Health & Fitness Magazine recently featured Delta College Covington's instructor, Craig Simon, and a student, Dana Hunter. Read it here!
The Lafayette campus of Delta College is excited to announce we have achieved a 75% retention rate for this year, a testament to our students' success.