At Delta College, we get to see the impact of our programs every single day in the lives of current and former students. It is always good to see follow-ups from students or parents of students after graduation. The testimonial below was sent to us by the parents of Zanita Flemings, Certified Medical Assistant.
Our daughter was called this morning to follow-up on her interview and to congratulate her for getting her first job as a Certified Medical Assistant...She starts her new job on Monday morning. We would like to thank Admissions, the instructors, and everyone else at Delta College that took interest in our daughter to ensure that she received the proper training, skills, knowledge, and studying tools to become a C.M.A. (Certified Medical Assistant). Above all, displaying total support, compassion and having a Christian environment. The entire Delta College team did just what they said they would do for their students. From the front desk representative to the Financial Aid to the Guidance/Career Counselors to the Classroom Instructors to the Externship Program and the entire Delta program are AWESOME!
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin & Zina Flemings
No, thank you Mr. and Mrs. Edwin and Zina Flemings for entrusting us with the education of your daughter and for helping her to open new opportunities for herself as a Certified Medical Assistant.Do you want to become a Medical Assistant? You can find out more about the program and contact us about enrolling.