Veterans Education Benefit Information

Veterans Education Benefit Information

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Required Documentation

  • VA Letter of Eligibility
  • Transcripts for ALL periods of education after high school (unofficial documents are acceptable)
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GI Bill® Benefits Available for Certification

  • Post 9/11 GI Bill (Ch. 33)
  • Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty (Ch. 30) *
  • Vocational Rehabilitation (Ch. 31)
  • Montgomery GI Bill® – Selected Reserve (Ch.1606)*
  • Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (Ch. 35) – VA File # Required
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Helpful Resources

SCO at your campus (School Certifying Official)

Benefit Rate Tables

Determine my BAH Levels

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VA Contact Information

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for benefits?

Please visit and under Education Section, click on “Apply for Education Benefits” and follow the steps to complete your application online. After VA processes your Application, they will mail your Letter of Eligibility directly to you. Bring this to the school.

What do I need to complete if I have previously used benefits at another institution or college?

Please visit and under Education Section and click “Change Your Education Benefits” and follow the steps to complete your application online. After VA processes your Application, they will mail you an updated Letter of Eligibility directly to you. Bring this to the school.

What is my deadline to have all required documents turned in?

Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Ch. 33) must have Letter of Eligibility before meeting with the Financial Aid Officer. All other required documents must be submitted to the school and approved before Orientation.

When will my school certify my benefits?
  1. After the SCO at your campus verifies all required documentation has been received and approved.
  2. After the SCO at your campus verifies you attended the first day of class.
What will VA pay for?

This depends on: Chapter of Benefits, Remaining Eligibility, Benefit Level, Delimiting Date, etc. This information is listed on your Letter of Eligibility that VA sends to you once you complete your Application for Benefits. The Financial Aid Officer at your campus will guide you thru the process of estimating tuition amount covered by VA Benefits (Ch.33 only) and Applying for Title IV Aid. You will be provided with an Award Letter for review.

What do I need to do once I start school?
  • Chapters 30, 1606, 1607 must call 1-888-GIBILL 1 (1-888-442-4551) or log onto to verify attendance each month in order to receive payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Chapter 35, must call 1-888-GIBILL 1 (1-888-442-4551) to certify their attendance. DO NOT USE the automated system.
  • All VA students must report any changes in attendance or demographics to the Financial Aid Office.