You’re a hard worker but just can’t seem to get ahead. You work all day but it’s just a job, not a career. You want to get ahead, but you can’t afford to quit your job. If this sounds like you, we’ve got the solution you’ve been looking for.Night classes offer those who are interested in going to college in Lafayette an opportunity to go to school without having to give up their day job. Our night classes attract the type of person who wants to better themselves, who wants to do new things, who wants to make a change in his or her life.
Night Classes in Lafayette
Delta College is proud to be able to offer night class options to our students. Over the years, many students have attended Delta College’s night classes and graduated in a number of different programs. The programs at Delta College in Lafayette include:
If you want to find out which programs have a night class available in the upcoming months, please contact us to find out!
Convenience Is Key
Going back to school isn’t always convenient. There are a lot of details to figure out. At Delta College in Lafayette, we do our best to remove as many hurdles as possible for you. That means that we offer classes at times that are more convenient for you. So you don’t have to quit your job while you pursue career training. Despite the fact that Delta College offers night classes, we’re not a fly-by-night operation! We’re a college in Lafayette with locations throughout southeastern Louisiana. Delta College has existed for decades and in recent years has been the leading school for practical nursing graduates in Louisiana.
How Do I Get Started?
That’s a great question! If you’re ready to take the next step, Delta College in Lafayette can help you to do just that. Our admissions team works with you to determine whether you qualify for financial aid, how to get started on the paperwork and give you information about when classes start and what time of day they take place. If you’re interested in night classes in Lafayette, don’t hesitate! Reserve your spot in class right now and take the next step in training for a new career!