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Delta College Practical Nursing Students Wow Community with Professionalism and Helpful Attitudes

February 9, 2016
students studying in library

I want to take time to tell you how impressed and proud I was of our practical nursing students that represented Delta College on Saturday, August 2, 2014 at the Martin Luther King Community Center Back to School Event. They were very professional in their appearance, attitude and performance. They all took blood pressure, etc. for hundreds of people and were very patient with each person they helped. They also helped in directing adults and children to the various organizations throughout the Center. Ms. Maxine Watts, Our Lady Of the Lake Special Events Coordinator, told me that when she organizes such events as this one, she always asks for student practical nurses from Delta College because of their professionalism, promptness and their cooperative attitudes…This event was a very important event held in the Gus Young area of our city. I had numerous people come up to me and tell me they either graduated from Delta or a Family member is presently attending or graduated from our school. This event…was well worth our participation.Sincerely,Bob GoodrichAdmissions Representative