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Why Choose Our Career College in Baton Rouge?

December 10, 2020
students studying in library

There's this idea that everyone must have a certain cookie-cutter life. However, this is unrealistic. Not everybody fills the same box, and nobody’s life looks exactly the same. But that doesn’t mean you can’t change it! Why bother using your time, energy, and money on a bachelor’s education when there are easier and more useful education alternatives? Discover how going to our career college in Baton Rouge could be the right choice for your future.

Why Is Our School a Better Choice?

We all need a plan to live our lives as smoothly as possible. For many of us, there’s this idea that if we don’t go to a four-year university, then we’re failures. But that just isn’t true. What you need is a skill.Every job out there requires a skill. Back in the day, going to a university was getting ahead of the curve and increasing your likelihood of a better life. However, with debt going up and a bachelor’s degree becoming the new “basic step,” alternatives like a career college are now a better option for those who want to get started. But the thing is, many jobs out there are just begging for new workers. So much so that there’s a chance you could make more than many people with a bachelor’s degree. Either way, a career school allows you to make a comfortable salary sooner, with the skills you need to move up in life. That being said, how can Delta College help you take the next steps?

How You Can Begin Your Future

Delta College of Baton Rouge currently has the most programs out of our several campuses. This only means that you have multiple options available for you to take the next step in your career!

  • Practical Nursing. Love helping those in need? Become an LPN and serve as an integral part of the healthcare service.
  • Dental Assistant. In as little as seven and a half months, you could be an essential member of a dentist’s office. Without your hard work, the office just wouldn’t work the same.
  • Medical Office and Health Information Technician. With a wide variety of skills, you could get a job in a broad spectrum of locations and positions. Take an essential role in medical records.
  • Graphic Design. This AOS degree could help you get a leg up on the competition by teaching you essential artistic skills.
  • Medical Assistant. A doctor wouldn’t know what to do without your effort. Become one of the major pieces of a well-oiled machine with your education from Delta.

Enroll in Our Career College in Baton Rouge Today

So are you ready to get a start on your future? Delta College is here to help you! Give a call to our career college in Baton Rouge at (225) 407-4562 or contact us online for more information. Want to take a look at the campus? Why not schedule a tour? We’re more than happy to show you around campus to prepare for the change.