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Nursing School in Baton Rouge Offers Night Classes

Night Classes for Nursing School in Baton Rouge

Many people want to attend nursing school in Baton Rouge but are unable to because they need to keep their day-job. Working from 9 to 5 can make it difficult to make room for nursing classes, which is why Delta College has made night classes available for our nursing program.

By attending night classes, a nursing school student at Delta College in Baton Rouge can graduate in just 24 months, or 2 years. In just two short years, you could receive the career training you need in order to become a licensed practical nurse in Louisiana.

Becoming A Licensed Practical Nurse

Why would you want to become a licensed practical nurse? There are plenty of advantages to becoming a nurse. It is a job that is in high demand and nurses are well respected professionals. A licensed practical nurse gets the opportunity to help people when they most need it, as well.

Why Choose Delta College?

A nursing student is able to take advantage of a number of advantages when they enroll at Delta College in Baton Rouge. Among those advantages are:

  • Job Placement Assistance
  • TOPS Tech Eligibility
  • Financial Aid Available
  • Affordable Tuition
  • Quality Instructors
  • And More!

Hands On Experience With Nursing Duties

A licensed practical nurse in Baton Rouge will be expected to monitor their patents’ health, administer nursing care such as changing bandages and inserting catheters, report patients’ statuses to registered nurses or medical doctors, keep clear and concise records on patients’ health, and provide for the patients’ comfort. Nurses can attest to the fact that this is rewarding work, even though it can be challenging.

Ask Us About Night Classes for Nursing Students

Delta College is always happy to answer questions concerning our nursing program, especially as it concerns night classes. We are eager to help you find a solution that works. Call us at (225) 407-4562 or schedule a tour of the campus now!