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Delta College President Billy Clark and Family Go “Over the Edge for Adoption” with Louisiana Family Forum by Rappelling down a 24-Story Building

Delta College President Billy Clark and three of his children rappelled down One American Place in downtown Baton Rouge in support of adoption during an event hosted by Louisiana Family Forum on Friday, May 9, 2014.  Delta College partnered with Louisiana Family Forum by sponsoring the “Over the Edge for Adoption” event aimed at spotlighting foster care children needing permanent homes.  Currently over 300 foster care children are awaiting adoption.

First Lady Supriya Jindal and Duck Dynasty’s Korie Robertson also participated by rappelling down the 308 feet of wall.

The Wait No More conference followed the event where 22 families began the foster care/adoption process.

Additional Information can be found on Louisiana Family Forum webpage and The Washington Times and The Christian Post.  See a list of corporate sponsors here.