(225) 928-7770
Baton Rouge Slidell Lafayette Covington

Help others through a career that can offer personal satisfaction and job security.

Put yourself in a career that you feel good about! Our friendly and knowledgeable admissions staff will assist you with the admissions process.

Prepare for an Interview

Prospective students should contact the school to arrange an appointment for a personal interview with an admissions representative.

During the interview, the applicant will answer questions pertaining to their vocational interests and career aspirations in order to ensure that the applicant has the ability to successfully pursue their studies.

Based on the results of this interview, the applicant moves on to complete a financial aid interview with the financial aid officer.

Once the applicant successfully completes the enrollment process, makes satisfactory payment arrangements, completes orientation, is issued books/supplies and is scheduled for classes, he/she is considered a regular student.

Take the Next Step!

If you are ready to get started on your new career today, get in touch with our admissions staff. We are ready and waiting for you!

The College Catalog contains information on program costs, admission and graduation requirements, academic programs and financial aid.
Catalog last updated January 2025.

Download College Catalog

* To view the catalog, you will need to have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.  If it is not already on your computer, it can be downloaded from Adobe’s web site and following Adobe’s instructions.

Veterans Education Benefit Information